
The Student Research Competition at ASSETS 2018 is supported by Microsoft Research
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How the Student Research Competition Will Work

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) is an event open to undergraduate and graduate students. At the conference, the authors will present their poster to a panel of experts and those who qualify to the next round will present their research to the conference audience. All accepted SRC submissions will be published in the conference proceedings and the best presentations will receive a prize. The SRC is a fantastic opportunity to be introduced to the community and establish networks with fellow scientists.


“...I made long lasting connections with people who are interested in the same research topics. I can’t wait to come back to ASSETS next year.”
—Natalie Friedman, Cornell Tech, SRC undergraduate student participant in 2018
“The poster presentation was my first experience sharing my research with the broader community, and the opportunity to present to all the attendees during the SRC semi-finals was ... worthwhile... , and it was exciting to finally meet people whose research I had been reading for years.”
—Irene Shaffer, Boston University, SRC graduate student participant in 2018
“...The competition was a valuable opportunity to share my research findings with highly skilled scientists. Their feedback formulated me to explore more about my topic and methodology.”
—Siddharth Mehrotra, RWTH Aachen University, SRC graduate student participant in 2018
“...Both the poster sessions and presentations are well designed, so as to allow one-on-one interaction as well as address the complete conference...”
—Tanya Bafna, Technical University of Denmark, SRC graduate student participant in 2018



For whom?

The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) is an event open to undergraduate and graduate students.

Is there any support?

Students selected to participate in the SRC will receive partial support from ACM to attend the conference. ACM's SRC program covers expenses up to US$500 for all students invited to an SRC.

What needs to be submitted?

Students wishing to participate submit abstracts of their work. Qualifying research must deal with topics that are relevant to the mission of the ASSETS series, as described by the call for papers. Preference will be given to work that has been completed (or close to completion).

Submissions should be formatted using the ACM conference format for letter paper size (8.5" by 11"): maximum of 2 pages long (not including references) and submitted as a PDF. The following templates can be used to format SRC entries:

Successful entries will be published in the ASSETS 2019 proceedings and the ACM Digital Library. Submissions (in PDF format) should be submitted by the deadline (10 July 2019, Wednesday). It is important to note that these are NOT double blind submissions; the authors' names should be on the paper.

Your PDF file must be accessible. Please refer to the instructions on Creating an Accessible ACM Conference Paper for information on how to accomplish this. If you cannot create an accessible PDF at submission time then you will be given the option to upload either an accessible HTML or Microsoft Word version of your paper in addition to your PDF to facilitate review. If your paper is accepted, the final version will need to be transformed into an accessible PDF document.

Writing Guidelines are available to help authors choose appropriate language for writing about technology and people with disabilities. Finally, please refer to the ACM policy on plagiarism for guidance.


Mentorship is available for anyone looking to submit to the SRC. If you are interested, please see the Call for Mentors page for details on how to request a mentor.

Participating in the SRC

Once SRC submissions are reviewed, accepted projects will be invited to present at ASSETS 2019. At the conference, there will be two rounds of competition:

First Round Competition

Participants will display a poster and make a brief presentation to a panel of judges. After the judges have reviewed the posters and discussed the research with each participant, a group of semi-finalists for each category (undergraduate and graduate) will be selected to present at the second round of the competition.

Second Round Competition

Semi-finalists will then give an oral presentation on their work as part of a main conference session. A panel of judges will evaluate their knowledge of the research area, their contribution to the field, and the quality of the presentation.

Three winners will be chosen in each category, undergraduate and graduate, receiving their medals (gold, silver, and bronze) and a monetary prize of $500, $300, and $200, respectively. First place winners will be designated as finalists and will also advance to the SRC Grand Finals. Participants should plan to stay through the ASSETS conference as the awards ceremony will take place during the closing session.

Note: Upon request, American Sign Language interpreters will be provided for participants in the SRC, both during the competition itself and for the remainder of the ASSETS conference. Requests for an interpreter must be indicated on the conference registration form when registering for ASSETS.

Advancing to the SRC Grand Finals

First place undergraduate and graduate student winners from the ACM SRCs held throughout the year advance to the SRC Grand Finals. A panel of judges will evaluate the entries through an online competition. From this competition, three undergraduate and three graduate students from all ACM conferences will be designated the SRC Grand Finals winners. They are invited, along with their advisors, to the annual ACM Awards Banquet, where they receive formal recognition.

Important Dates

How to submit

Please send your submission by email to the Student Research Competition Chairs - Robin Brewer and Foad Hamidi (

Panel of Reviewers

Panel of Judges


Poster Presentation

Poster boards 3 by 4 feet (91 by 121 cm, portrait) will be provided for all presenters of posters. Please direct any special requests to Student Research Competition Chairs - Robin Brewer and Foad Hamidi (

Further Information

For further information or any questions regarding student research competition submissions, please contact the Student Research Competition Chairs - Robin Brewer and Foad Hamidi (

Further details about ACM Student Research Competitions and the Grand Finals are available at ACM Student Research Competition Page.